First stop Liguria

View from our balcony

Started !!!!!!!!! We are finally off on our road trip👏with my new car 🛻,

Lovely this feeling of freedom😍

Bye dear family, bye friends and bye bye Holland, see you in a year.

First stop not far from the Swiss border near Milano. Of course we just left this morning without having booked anything. But sure enough we found a small village with a B&B where a very nice lady welcomed us.

We were late, "9 o'clock"? Dinner was no longer possible in the village but no problem the hostess ordered pizza for us.

The pizzas came together with a can of cola, mmmm, rather had a glass of wine 😉. But honestly we were happy with it, the pizza was delicious. Just one problem; 1 pizza could feed three people 😜. So what to do with the left overs without offending our hostess?

You might not know me that well yet, you will over the next few month, but otherwise I am sure you could have guessed my next move ha ha. Yes, yes the hand luggage was a perfect hiding place for the pizza leftovers …. And of we went … to bed with a full belly.

Next day: Drama!!

When I woke up there was half a meter of snow🌨❄️. That means we have to stay a bit longer, because I don't have winter tyres. Luckily that was no problem and the day after there was no snow, the roads were clean and the sun is shining.

Off we go to the Ligurian coast.

In Albissola Marina, Liguria, I find Hotel Albissola Marina (how original) and book for 4 days as I need to find a flat somewhere in the region.

Easier said than done.

  1. no nice large flats around here

  2. a lot is already booked for Christmas.

So I prolong my stay at the hotel several times for a few days to search for a flat.

Luckily when the need is greatest, salvation is at hand. The hotel owner knows a nice broker! Who even speaks a little English.

And yes, we found a nice flat with a view, where we can live with six people. Hooray just in time to host the whole family for the holidays. A wonderful prospect 😃.

A presto,


Aubergine stew


Scallops with truffle potato and lemon