Stuffed Celeriac

Celeriac is cultivated since ancient times and even mentioned in the famous Greek works Iliad and Odyssey. Over time it became a largely forgotten vegetable though.

So let us rehabilitate it with my delicious stuffed celeriac recipe.

Ingredients ~ main for 2-3

1 celeriac

100 gr mushrooms

50 gr semi dried tomatoes

50 gr walnuts, chopped

1-2 tbsp parsley, chopped

2 tbsp parmesan, grated

1 shallot, finely chopped

1 red chilli pepper, without seeds & finely chopped

2 garlic cloves, pressed

1 lemon, juice

Olive oil, extra vigine


Crème fraîche (optional)

Tin foil

Baking tray


  • Preheat the oven to 200˚C

  • Peel the celeriac and cut it in half. Cut a thin slice from the bottom so that the halves remain standing nicely later on

  • Rub the two halves with lemon juice, place them with the flat side on the aluminium foil lined baking tray, drizzle with olive oil and salt

  • Bake the celeriac in the oven for 30 -45 minutes. Depending on the size of your root. It should be just slightly soft.

Meanwhile, prepare the stuffing.

  • Cut the tomatoes into strips

  • Chop the walnuts

  • Grate the parmesan

  • Chop the shallot

  • Remove the seeds from the red pepper and chop

  • Peel and press the garlic

  • Pull the stalks off the mushrooms, chop them very finely and also add to the stuffing

  • Cut the cap into small strips

  • Sprinkle the mushrooms with a pinch of salt

  • Put a dash of olive oil in a frying pan and make well hot. Now quickly fry the strips until nicely browned. Set aside

  • Remove the celeriac halves from the oven and leave to cool.

  • Hollow out the celeriac halves with a spoon to a rim of about 1.5 cm.

  • Chop the removed celeriac

  • Heat a dash of oil in a pan and fry the filling mixed with the spooned celeriac for about 5 minutes.

  • Stir in the fried mushrooms strips and grated cheese and fill the celeriac halves with it.


  • Make two rings of the used aluminium foil on the baking tray and place the filled halves in it

  • Now put the filled halves back in the oven for another 15 -25 minutes.

  • Serve with extra grated cheese and a spoonful of crème fraîche plus the onion sauce.


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