Eek, we’re moving


I just need to get it off my chest: How exhausting moving is😜.

Finally the decision has been made, the house will go for sale. But now it all starts: cleaning, decorating and then the estate agent and the photographer. “Well”, says our estate agent, “a lot has to be removed because no one can see how big and spacious the house is”.

We gathered all our courage and started to sort and pack. You do not want to know what kind of stuff a person collects during his life🤔 Unbelievable how much I have cleared out and then given away and eventually even thrown away.

I thought I was the only one, but no, with me there are many fellow sufferers. That is comforting!

Then I rented storage and everything that couldn't or shouldn't go away went there. I suddenly had unbelievably much living space, ha ha.

Which I was not able to enjoy for long. Because believe it or not, but the viewers came and the house was sold within the same week. I was in shock.

Now I have exactly one month to move out and that seems like a lot of time. But it's not! Time flies when you're busy. Thankfully Émely is coming for a few days to help, which is really nice.

First we move the rest of the attic, then the guest room, study and hobby room. The guest room and bathroom have to be emptied completely. Then the living and dining room and finally my kitchen............... Wow did I misjudged that!

Boy, how many big and small appliances I have as a cooking geek. Not to mention my herbs, spices, preserves and stocks that I can't live without.

And… then … I was told that all of that was not allowed in the storage😯 Now what? Well, you get the idea: my trusty VW Passat is loaded with all the stock and off to Switzerland. Luckily I have a daughter who is as much a cooking geek as I am and of course wants to have all of it. Well, that's a big chunk of my time.

Nevertheless I am getting a bit nervous. But when the need is greatest, salvation is near👏 I am the lucky with some wonderful neighbours who came to my rescue. Karel is tall and strong and for Corina the kitchen was a welcome challenge while I removed the last things from upstairs.

The removal van was made available by the rental company on Saturday, so everything could go at once.

Forget it, the removal van broke an axle and stopped. So No Car! You don't want to know, but in the end we did the whole move with my Passat. Long live my faithful companion.

It was very nerve-racking but we all made it. Thanks, thanks and thanks again to everybody who helped us.


Rucola Mousse