Rucola Mousse
Rucola is grown as an edible and popular herb in Italy since Roman times. Although often eaten raw it’s delicious too stir fried, blanched or added to a sauce.
Rucola has a high nutritional value being rich in folate, vitamins K, A & C and the dietary minerals calcium, magnesium, and manganese.
Ingredients ~ starter for 4 or lunch for 2
150 gr rocket salad; finely cut
1 small onion; chopped
1 tbsp olive oil
1 leek, only the white in rings
1 dash of dry white wine
4 gelatine leaves
2,5 dl whipped cream, beaten loosely
½ medium zucchini, cut into very small cubes
2 dl olive oil
Pepper, salt
8 radishes
4 little glasses
Soak the gelatine leaves for at least 10 minutes in cold water.
Heat 1 tablespoon of oil and fry the onion and leek briefly. Add the rocket and fry briefly. Deglaze with the wine and let the mixture reduce slightly.
Remove the pan from the heat, squeeze the gelatine leaves well and stir them through the rocket mixture until the gelatine is dissolved. Let cool down a little before you puree the rocket mixture with the hand blender.
Whip the cream until fluffy and stir it through the rocket mixture. Finish to taste with salt and pepper.
Divide the rocket mousse over glasses and put in the fridge to stiffen.
For the zucchini oil, heat a dash of the decilitre of oil in a pan and stir fry the zucchini cubes lightly. Stir fry well so that the taste is well released. Add the rest of the oil and let it cook on very low heat for at least 30 minutes. Sieve the oil and keep the zucchini cubes separate. Leave to cool down.
Remove the rocket mousse 30 minutes before serving from the refrigerator to reach room temperature.
Pour a layer of zucchini oil on top of the mousse, place a small spoon filled with zucchini cubes on top and serve with fresh bread and quartered radishes.